Monday, August 21, 2017

what I plan to take with me

This is my packing list for September:

apple TV to connect computers to a TV screen
Books on Pittsylvania, Henry, Cumberland, Goochland including the index to the church records that I used for my White pages.  Remember that the actual records are on Ancestry
Book with passwords in it in case I need something
internet device
dirty clothes bag
a book or two about the battle of Point Pleasant

Sunday, August 20, 2017

rough schedule of what we might do

I have offered to pay for a professional who lives in the area of Pittsylvania County to meet with us once during the time we are visiting the area of Pittsylvania County.  If we like him/her very well, we might engage this professional for another meeting.

I propose that we make schedule this event on Thursday evening...  Evening so that as many of us will have arrived as possible...We could either ask the person to come to the house or we could plan a meeting at a restaurant that he/she would recommend that would allow us to both eat and meet.  If we do this on Thursday, we could find out what we might only find at the courthouse or any other place that is not likely to be open on the weekend.

I propose that I (or someone else who might have more time to give to this project) make a list of times that various places we might want to visit are open ahead of time so that we can schedule our time as efficiently as possible.

It seems to me that we might spend Friday gathering deeds, etc.....Friday night sifting through what we have found so far.  Divide Saturday into gathering information that we missed on Friday with visiting sites in the area  that have meaning to our group (for example, the spot at which William Witcher is buried).  Then on Sunday, we would spend time on visiting sites before leaving for home.

This is a very rough idea of how we might spend our time.  My thought is that each evening would be spent in sharing information.  Hopefully Luan will help us with our DNA education.  I hope to have an apple TV so that we can share information that is on each of our computers and/or phones and iPads.   Please, everyone help me to make this a bit less rough.